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Cross Creek Nursery sells approximately 25 cultivars of boxwood. The variations and cultivars derive from one of two species, either Buxus microphylla (Littleleaf Boxwood), or Buxus sempervirens (Common Boxwood). All boxwoods are evergreen. Depending on the cultivar, they can be used for hedges, edging situations, foundation plants, formal gardens, topiary and container planting.

LOCATION: Boxwoods do best in full sun to partial shade locations. They prefer neutral to alkaline, well-drained soil and protection from drying winds and extremely cold temperatures. If you plan to put other plants around your boxwoods, plant those other plants before the boxwood matures in order to avoid damaging the shallow roots of the mature boxwood.

PLANTING AND WATERING: Properly prepared, well-drained soil is essential to establishing and growing boxwoods. Incorporate a generous amount of Espoma Bio-Tone and compost into the existing clay soil at planting time (1/3 amendments to 2/3 existing soil). In addition, the soil should be amended with garden lime to increase the pH to 7 or slightly higher. If the plant is pot bound, cut the root ball with a sharp knife from top to bottom and loosen the roots. Plant the boxwood with one to two inches of the root ball above the ground to ensure good drainage. Place 1”-2” of mulch on top of the roots to help keep the soil moist and prevent the roots from drying out. Boxwood roots prefer to be kept cool, so spring/summer mulching with leaf compost is recommended.

FERTILIZATION: A good fertilizer such as Espoma Plant-Tone is recommended. Fertilize in the early spring.

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